Tuesday, September 5, 2017

King Tiger

The tank is an older Dragons kit with late type tracks. I change them with a seperate link set ftom Tamiya and minor detailing added

 Primed with a dark brown and  basecoted  with  dunkegeld in a soft modulation style

 Camo painted freehand with enamels
 After some washes and scratches
Tank commander is a mix from Verlinden(torso)  Dragon(hands) and Hornet(head) painted in acrylics

Sunday, September 3, 2017

I needed a winter tree for my scene so I made one from real branches and dried roots

 The base formed with a wooden frame and real soil and rocks added
 And a first test of all the elements of the diorama

Frozen Goulash

My next project depicts a winter scene in Hungary during 1945. A King Tiger tank pass through the bank of a lake during the retreat of the German forces. A band of soldiers  offers to the tank crew some food for a small rest.
Starting the project I desided to scratchbuild a traditional Hungarian farm house. Some reference photos from the wed, placticard, papercard and evergreen stripes helped me to buid it